West Tatras West Tatras West Tatras

Cycling routes - The circle around Perštejna

Length: 42,5 km
Dificulty: medium
Bikes: cross bike, mountain bike

Middle difficult trace is leads through beautiful scenery around village Kovarska. Beautiful view from the peak Mednik at Medenec, where is also well known chapel.


   Cycling routes - The circle around  Perštejna Click to show full-size map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 300 m n.m.      Cycle-way 3004 
 Dolní Halže 
 800 m n.m.       Cycle-way 223, Cycle-way 23 Ore mountain artery 
 850 m n.m.      Cycle-way 223, Cycle-way 23 Ore mountain artery 
 Brook Černý potok 
 720 m n.m.      Cycle-way 3004 
 800 m n.m.      Cycle-way 3004 
 Horní Halže 
 890 m n.m.      Cycle-way 3004 
 Dolní Halže 
 800 m n.m.      Cycle-way 3004 
 300 m n.m.        

Cycling routes - The circle around  Perštejna

Photos of the route

Sight of Kovářská
Miners´ and Top chapels at Měděnec
Měděnec - church
Perštejn - Flooded lime-pit


  Accommodation Kovářská
  Accommodation Mikulov
  Accommodation Teplice
  Accommodation Ore Mountains
Catalogue of accommodation