Length: 14,3 km
Dificulty: medium Circle: YES, Marking: marked
The trip starts at the end station of the Liberec tram, which is called Lidové Sady, and it continues down a little hill by the car road to the restaurant Březová Alej and then towards Rudolfov. It leaves the road and it turns right to the field way up to Harcov and along the old cemetery to the local school. From there it continues to another top, left by the cross on the road towards forest. Before it reaches the forest it turns left again and goes inside the spruce wood. On the right above the road it is possible to see Andělské Kameny (Angel Rocks). Than the trip continues through more forests over Jílový Vrch (Clay Top) to the valleys of Harcov Stream, there it reaches the blue touristic road and continues to the former pilgrimage place the “miracle spring” and a dew remains of Calvary. From there it is only a little way to the former Hašlerova Chata (Hašler’s cottage) – today hotel Murano. From the hotel it follows the green way up and to the Vysoký hřeben (ridge) then to hotel Weber and the Bedřichov saddle. From the saddle by the red and green sign to Rudolfov to Česká Chalupa (Czech cottage) where it crosses the car road and goes into the forest around Strážní buk (Guard beech) back to Liberec.

See the map
Dist. |
Location |
Elevation |
Marking |
Description |
0,0 |
Liberec - Lidové sady |
416 m n.m. |
0,3 |
Crossroad Alšovy street and Březová alej |
419 m n.m. |
2,1 |
Harcov |
419 m n.m. |
4,5 |
Hill Jílový vrch |
634 m n.m. |
7,1 |
Křížová cesta |
724 m n.m. |
7,7 |
Cottage Hašlerova chata |
722 m n.m. |
10,2 |
Bedřichovské sedlo - Maliník |
773 m n.m. |
11,9 |
Česká chalupa |
680 m n.m. |
possible to use green route |
13,1 |
Strážný buk |
560 m n.m. |
possible to use green or yellow route |
14,3 |
Liberec - Lidové sady |
416 m n.m. |
| Harcov – by school – Not far from the reconstructed school building you can find the church which was built 1858-1860 thanks to donations of the local people. The church is in late empire style and it is a dominant of Harcov | | Křížová cesta (Calvary) - west crossing - Josef Klamt the owner of the land had the Calvary built in 1878. In 1903 the place was consecrated and became a popular place to visit for many believing tourists. The pilgrimage was renewed after 1989 and in 1996 there were 12 new stops installed in the place of the original Calvary. | | Hašlerova chata (Hašler’s Cottage) – A mountain cottage was built near the Calvary and it is known as the Hašler’s cottage which used to be a viewing tower in its time. Presently a modern hotel has been built in place of the original cottage. | | Bedřichovské sedlo - Maliník - Bedřichovské sedlo (the Bedřichov saddle) also called Maliník and the town of Bedřichov are the best starting points to Jizerská magistrála (Jizera Trail). It is possible to reach both places by public transport and by car. | | Česká chalupa (Czech cottage) – The Czech cottage is the oldest pub in Rudolfov from 1803. |