History of the Bohemian Paradise

Settlement of the Bohemian Paradise is na age-old date, it began already in the older Stone Age. In the 3rd millenium b. Chr. are documented many agricultural settlements in an almost continuous zone out of Bohemian inside up to the Turnov region, to the rocks of Prachov and the Sobotka region.

Village center in Klokočí

There interchanged people of volute pottery, stitched pottery, people of the urn fields, Celts, Teutons and Slavic Croats. Mighty Slav walled settlements are known in the precincts of the Mužský hill and in the rocks of Prachov.

In the 12th-15th century, when this country was ruled by the members of the powerful Markvartic clan and its branches Vartenberks, Wallensteins and Lemberks, numerous fortified castles and redoubts were built and their picturesque ruins attract today thousands of tourists. They are for inst. Frýdštejn, Rotštejn, Valečov, Valdštejn, Trosky and Kost.

In that time towns were founded which, in the course of time, developed to cultural and later some of them to industrial centres: Turnov, Jičín, Mnichovo Hradiště, Sobotka, Rovensko pod Troskami.

Ancient rock habitation

From cultural-historical singularities of the Bohemian Paradise are of outstanding importance also chateaus, built sometimes on places of past fortified castles or medieval strongholds. In some of them are installed valuable collections of furniture, paintings, pottery, weapons etc., others are specially used. Out of the known could be mentioned: Sychrov, Hrubá Skála, Mnichovo Hradiště, Jičín, Humprecht.

Charm of the Bohemian Paradise were not complete without folk architecture and fortunately there is still lot of it in some villages and in seclusion: from the Dlask farm in Dolánky near Turnov, over the estates in Maloskalsko up to the belfries in Rovensko pod Troskami.

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