Accommodation near ski slopes Lipová - lázně
Accommodation near the ski slopes allows you to fully enjoy your winter ski holiday in Lipová - lázně without unnecessary commuting to the ski resort.
Accommodation Kohoutek
Place: Lipová - lázně
House with two apartments in the beautiful surroundings of the Jeseníky Mountains !! Praděd, Dlouhé Stráně, the
… More » longest extended bridge in the world, Javorník chateau, Rejvíz, Golden mills, Forest bar, Faunapark, Lipova and Rychleby cycle paths, Cave Na Pomezí, etc .. !! It is beautiful here !!
Price per bed per night approx.:
Ramzová - 20 - 30 cm snow pack
The database contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation near ski slopes in Lipová - lázně. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators