Czech Mountains » Lusatian mts. and Czech Switzerland » Guide of the area - Czech Switzerland

Czech Switzerland

Czech Switzerland is our youngest National Park. It was originated in January 2000 and connected to National Park Sächsische Schweiz in Germany. The area is situated along the river Elbe and its larger part is in Germany. The area described at this server is enlarged by area of Krásná lípa, Chřibská and Šluknov´s hook.

The highest peak of Czech Switzerland is mountain Děčínský Sněžník (726 m). The most interesting places for tourism are wide rock towns, for example Tisá, Ostrov or Jetřichovice. The most important river of area is Elbe, which have generated deep canyon to a sandstone table.

List of places

If you click on the icon Find the place on the map beside the place, you will get its position on the map.

Places for bathing

The quality of bathing water for this region can be found HERE

Recommended routes

Around Sněžník
Sněžník - Ostrov - Tiské stěny - Nad Stěnami - Sněžník (total 10,4km)
Děčín – Hřensko
Děčín - Stoličná hora - Nad Loubím - Růžová vyhlídka - Belvedér - Údolí Suché Kamenice - Hřensko (total 16,0km)
Mezní Louka – Hřensko
Mezní Louka - Křídelní stěna - Tři prameny - Hřensko (total 6,8km)

Cycling routes

The district of sandstone rocks
Česká Kamenice - Mlýny - Kytlice - Horní Chřibská - Dolní Chřibská - Chřibský hrádek - Na Tokáni - Modrý důl - Šaunštejn - Vysoká Lípa - Jetřichovice - Všemily - Česká Kamenice (total 47,8km)
From Děčín through the valley of river Labe to Germany and back
Děčín - Dolní Žleb - Schöna - Kleingießhübel - Cunnersdorf - Rosenthal - Soví brána - hranice - Maxičky - Jalůvčí - Děčín (total 52,3km)
From Benešov through Žandov and Kamenický Šenov
Benešov n. Ploučnicí - Dolní Habartice - Velká Bukovina - Žandov - Volfartice - Kamenický Šenov - Nový Oldřichov - Veselé - Janská - Huntířov - Benešov n. Ploučnicí (total 55,0km)

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